
Dream Center Peoria is a faith based not-for-profit founded by Riverside Community Church and united with local area churches, not-for-profit organizations, government, businesses and individuals who dream big and share our vision help families living in poverty, starting with kids and youth.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Mission Peoria 2010

(photography by Jeff Woods)

This has been my first year of experiencing Mission Peoria. As I joined the team here at Dream Center Peoria, I had heard an immense about what the week would entail and stories from years past. After all I had heard, I still wasn't prepared for the powerful week the Lord had planned for Mission Peoria 2010. After all the prep, God has been stepping in and doing His work which has been nothing short of astounding. My heart has been touched to watch these junior and high-school students serve.

And when I see the youth serve and interact with the community, my soul gets an overwhelming sense of awe as I stand to worship of my God, my Rock and my Redeemer. Friday night, the youth celebrated their last night at Glen Oak Park in their amphitheater. Families and adults came to worship with Mission Peoria. Pastor King gave a message on surrounding their all at the altar and how . Andy King followed with having the kids go to one side of the theater and pick of two rocks. He explained that He wanted them to keep one rock as a remembrance of the week and place the other one on the large rock at the other side of the stage. It was an Ebenezer, a reminder of God’s faithfulness. It was extremely touching to watch them walk across the stage and place their small rock on the large rock as a symbol of God working in their individual hearts that week. The youth ended their Mission Peoria week, by helping out at BackPack Peoria. Three thousand backpacks and one thousand uniform gift cards, along with free school physicals were given to all that attended. The line wrapped around the block, as a constant flow of people filled Dream Center Peoria building. As the youth left, we continue to pray that they will not let Satan snatch away what Pastor King preached of being unashamed and giving their all to the one who is Lord over their life. For He has great plans in store for each of them.

-Heather Rocke

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was on Mission Peoria 2010, I would have commented earlier but I didn't have a myspace or facebook or anything, but now I think everyday about how I should be happy with what I've got that isn't in Peoria, but all I can think is that I have too much. I miss Peoria so bad because it made me realize that just because I had an awful childhood, doesn't mean I have to let it stop me from helping others whenever is possible. I'm so grateful to have gone, and impacted so many lives. I am now in college in Oakland City University because I want to be an elementary teacher, and it makes me want to teach in Peoria when I finish. I'm trying to find an Andre from Taft Homes, but unfortunately I don't know his last name. He was my little buddy. I also miss some of the friends that were on the "Orange Crush" team as well. We made a chant and part of it was inspired by the kids we worked with. I wake up everyday realizing just how lucky I am, but at the same time I feel total regret at having left. I feel God pulling on my heart to go back. I can't wait until next year. I want to do it again. My name is Michael Shultz and I was proud to be a part of Mission Peoria 2010.