
Dream Center Peoria is a faith based not-for-profit founded by Riverside Community Church and united with local area churches, not-for-profit organizations, government, businesses and individuals who dream big and share our vision help families living in poverty, starting with kids and youth.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mission Peoria!

Dream Center Peoria is now filled as 250 individuals registered and went to their living quarters! The youth arrived with their youth groups at their designated times and now are at their baselines distributing flyers for the weeks activities. The baselines are located at Taft Homes, Columbia Park, Glen Oak Church, Harrison Homes, Madison Ave., Martin Luther King Park, Morton Square Park, South Side Mission and St. Ann Church. Each day they’ll arrive at their designated baseline at 3 p.m. and play games, activities, music, and water inflatables with the youth

The youth, leaders, and staff will be posting their personal experiences, memories, funny stories, etc…. So keep coming back for updates throughout the day! Also we’ll be posting prayers requests throughout the week.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. -Psalm 19:14

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